Home : Gavin Newsom for Governor of CA 2022 加文纽森姆 為加州州長 :

Gavin Newsom for Governor of CA 2022 加文纽森姆 為加州州長

Wednesday, September 4, 2019 5:00pm
Yin Ranch Event and conference place
6319 Pleasants Valley Rd, Vacaville, CA 95688

Ordering Closed

Gavin Christopher Newsom (born October 10, 1967) is an American politician and businessman who is the 40th and current governor of California, serving since January 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he previously served as the 49th lieutenant governor of California from 2011 to 2019 and as the 42nd mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011. He was sworn in as Governor of California on January 7, 2019. 加文克里斯托弗紐森姆 Gavin Christopher Newsom(1967年10月10日出生)是美國政治家和商人,自2019年1月起擔任加利福尼亞州第40任現任州長。他是民主黨的成員,此前他曾擔任加州第49任副州長。到2019年和2004年至2011年擔任舊金山第42任市長。他於2019年1月7日宣誓就任加利福尼亞州州長。 Gavin Newsom is the son of an appellate court judge and came from an old, privileged San Francisco family. He graduated from Santa Clara University in 1989, and with a loan from the wealthy Getty family, he started the PlumpJack Wine Shop in 1992. The business eventually grew to a multi-million dollar empire with over 700 employees, including restaurants, theaters, a wine label, and a hotel/ski resort. He served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors from 1996 to 2004, where he became well-known for his "Care Not Cash" initiative, which reformed the city's homeless policy by slashing cash benefits to the homeless. Newsom was elected the 42nd mayor of San Francisco in 2004, the youngest mayor of that city in over a century. In February 2004, he made national headlines when he allowed same-sex couples to obtain marriage licenses. Gavin Newsom是一名上訴法院法官的兒子,來自一個古老而特權的舊金山家庭。他於1989年畢業於聖塔克拉拉大學,並從富裕的蓋蒂家族貸款,於1992年創辦了PlumpJack葡萄酒商店。該公司最終成長為擁有700多名員工的數百萬美元帝國,包括餐廳,劇院,葡萄酒標籤和酒店/滑雪勝地。他於1996年至2004年在舊金山監事會任職,在那裡他因“Care not Cash”計劃而聞名,該計劃通過削減無家可歸者的現金福利來改革該市的無家可歸政策。紐瑟姆於2004年當選為舊金山市第42任市長,是該市最年輕的市長。 2004年2月,當他允許同性伴侶獲得結婚證時,他成為全國頭條新聞。 Gavin Newsom Support 1. Recover from Wildfire 2. Homelessness Program 3. Accessible Health Care 4. Green Environment 5. Equal Marriage 6. Affordability Crisis 7. Affordable Housing 8. Reduce Campus Housing Cost 9. Prevent Child Proverty 10. Balance Property Level 11. Improve Educational System 12. SB469 Horse Death of Racing Gavin Newsom支持 1. 從野火中恢復過來 2. 無家可歸者計劃 3. 無障礙保健計劃 4. 綠色環境 5. 平等婚姻RSS 6. 負擔能力危機 7. 經濟適用房 8. 降低校園住房成本 9. 預防兒童貧困問題 10. 平衡財產水平 11. 改善教育制度 12. SB469 賽馬跑死 Host 主持人: Carl Chan陳, Jason Chan陳, Ping & Kenneth Fong 方 Assessor 估稅員: Phong La, Michelle Lau 劉 Mayor: 市長 Darrell Steinberg 達雷爾斯坦伯格 · Regina & C.C. Yin 黃春芳,尹集成,華裔麥當勞大王 Host Committee & Chairman Circle still in formation 主持人委員會和主席圈仍在組建中) 5:00pm VIP Reception Host 4 Tickets $62000 5:00pm VIP Reception Chairman Circle 2 Tickets $31000 5:00pm VIP Reception Champion 1 Ticket $20000 5:30pm Leadership Reception Diamond Sponsor $1000 5:30pm Leadership Reception Gold Sponsor $5000 5:30pm Leadership Reception Silver Sponsor $2500 6:30pm General Reception Support $1000 6:30pm General Reception Friend $500 VIP level include VIP + General Reception and name recognition with photos taking. Leadership level include Leadership + General Reception and name recognition with photos taking. 下午5:00 VIP貴賓接待主持人四張門票$62000美元 下午5:00 VIP貴賓接待主席圈兩張門票$31000美元 下午5:00 VIP貴賓接待冠軍一張門票$20000美元 下午5:30 領導接待會鑽石贊助四張門票$10000美元 下午5:30 領導接待黃金贊助兩張門票$5000美元 下午5:30 領導接待白銀牌贊助一張門票$2500美元 下午6:30 將軍擁護接待$1000美元 下午6:30 將軍朋友接待$500美元 VIP 級別包括VIP +將軍接待和帶照片的名稱識別。 領導級別包括領導+將軍接待和帶照片的名稱識別。 Contributions are not tax-deductible. Newsom for California Governor of 2022 may accept contribution from individuals, businesses, or PACs for up to $31000 each personfor the primary election, and up to $31000 each person for the general election. Spouse and domestic partners may each contribute the maximum amount as long as they both sign the checks, credit card authorization forms. We may not accept contributions from an unknown source or contributions that are reimbursed by another person. We may also not accept contributions from lobbyist and foreign nationals. 捐款不能免稅。 2022年加利福尼亞州州長的Newsom可能接受個人,企業或PAC的貢獻,初選時最高每人$31000美元,大選最高每人$31000美元。配偶和國內合作夥伴可以分別支付最高金額,只要他們簽署支票,信用卡授權表格。我們不接受來自未知來源的捐款或由他人報銷的捐款。我們也可能不接受說客和外國人的捐款。 Prepared In-house for electronic distributions. 內部準備電子發行。 All guests must R.S.V.P. by contributing online. 全部賓客必須通過網站捐款來訂位。 Paid for by Newsom for California -- Governor of 2022 由州長紐瑟姆為加州支付 - 2022的州長 FPPC ID#1414018 For More Information, Please Text or Call: 詢問有關詳細信息,請短信或致電: 917-306-3168/ 646-953-7203 About Yin’s Ranch of McDonald's King: Looking for a large vacation place, retreat, reunion, birthday and anniversary celebration? Hill House in Yin’s Ranch is your dream location. The 40 acres landscaped area is secluded for your to enjoy the 3 acres vineyard, woods and forests, 100 olive gardens, plantation, many fruit trees including plum trees, peach trees, pear trees, and lemon trees, a lake with fishes in it and geese living on its own small island, and private zoo with peacock, llama, goats, roosters, ponies, etc., outdoor boccie, open space performance stage, wedding or events area, basketball and tennis court. The house has fully equipped kitchens and laundry room, with a private 2400 sf deck with secluded private mountain view. The out door BBQ grill is always ready for you to use. Remember to check out our lake gazebo through a small bridge for rowboating and discover night colored fountain in the middle of the lake. 關於華裔麥當勞大王的尹莊園: 尋找一個大型度假勝地,休養,團聚,生日和周年慶典? 尹牧場莊園Yin's Ranch的Hill House會是您夢寐以求的地方。佔地40英畝的園景區讓您可以享受佔地3英畝的葡萄園,許多小樹林和森林,100個橄欖園,種植園,許多果樹,包括梅樹,桃樹,梨樹和檸檬樹,還有一個有魚類的湖泊和鵝生活在自己的小島上,私人動物園裡有孔雀,駱駝,山羊,公雞,小馬等,戶外小地域,露天表演舞台,婚禮或活動區,籃球場和網球場。度假屋設有設備齊全的廚房和洗衣房,擁有2400平方米的私人露台,享有僻靜的私人优美山景。戶外燒烤爐隨時可供您使用。别忘記可以通過一座小橋觀看湖涼亭,還可以在湖里划船,並在湖中央觀看夜間彩色噴泉。 For More Information, Please Text or Call: 詢問有關詳細信息,請短信或致電: 917-306-3168/ 646-953-7203 E-mail 電郵: Mail Box 郵箱: 41-70 Main St B336K, Flushing NY 11355 WeChat 微信號:daragarden

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